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Living Your Design Initiation Course


The main objective of the Living Your Design Initiation course is to support you in your transformation and personal growth. Your process is deepened and grounded through sharing with other participants, hearing them talk about their experience during the online courses.

You are unique and only you can find the right truth for you.

The Human Design System transforms the way you understand who you are, make decisions in life, look at the world, opening you to a whole new dimension of the worth of every human being and your integration with the surrounding environment. 

By fully living your Design, your original nature, you can manifest all your innate talents!



Living Your Design is an introductory course made for those who are ready to deepen their personal experience of Human Design. The program will mainly cover the mechanics of the four auric types and the nine centers.

This level of information is accessible to all and provides the most important keys

to implement your own experience, from the first moment.

This is the first step in gaining an understanding of how each of us experiences reality in a different way, depending on our life energy, definition (which is colored in our body scheme) and how one is influenced (or not) by external conditioning.

This offer is really made for you if ...

  • You are deeply curious about how to apply Human Design in your daily life and you can't wait to experiment!

  • You are ready to begin your deconditioning process and integrate your magic!

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It's the start of a more in-depth exploration of how you operate and relate to the world through the elements of your unique Design. As you deepen your understanding, you will begin to recognize your authentic self, to shed light on your relationships, your past and present decisions , and how to move forward in life with more freedom and less resistance .

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Surface granuleuse

This training will bring you many clarifications on:

The Human Design system (introduction to its origin)

• The bodygraph and its elements

The nature of the 9 centers (center of pressure, consciousness, motor, etc.)

• Difference between definition and openness

• Areas of vulnerability and their potential for wisdom

• Fears, mental anxiety and emotional nervousness

Recognition of the 4 types of aura and their way of integrating

The strategy of each type: Generator, Manifestor, Projector, Reflector

The fundamental fear of each type

The principles of internal and external authority

• The characteristics of the 7 Inner Authorities

• Definitions (single, double, triple ..)

And personal transformation keys for:

• Manage your energy successfully

• Make the right decisions with confidence

• Remove layers of conditioning and limiting beliefs

• Develop your innate talents and your true potential

• Understand the dynamics of your relationships

• Communicate authentically

Image de Ray Hennessy

Understanding your personal mechanics is the start of creating transformation from a cellular level.

Immersing yourself in the mechanics of this system is very rewarding since it allows you to start your own exploration, you will see its usefulness from the first sessions, in the dilemmas that arise from day to day and above all you will notice a change in your way to communicate and respond to requests from those around you ...

It will help you to free yourself from that "borrowed" image you have forged for yourself, the product of homogenized culture and education, to regain confidence in your natural source of wisdom!


  • All sessions are recorded during the live training and you will receive audio and video files after each session (this is not an e-learning program)

  • Concrete examples of the aligned / misaligned functioning of each center

  • Celebrity bodygraphs analyzes (option to choose which one you want to study)

  • Analysis of your Design while we focus on each area of the bodygraph

  • Exploratory questions to help you in your awareness of the Not-Self

  • A guided meditation to connect with your body and inner authority

  • A WhatsApp group to facilitate exchanges between participants (group course)

Explorez les formations au Design Humain avec le programme "Vivre son Design" : en groupe, en individuel pour une expérience personnalisée, ou en famille pour une découverte partagée.

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stage collectif


Aniela, Projecteur Emotionnel 3/6


Je m’intéresse au Design Humain depuis 2-3 ans et connaissais déjà les bases. Je me suis inscrite à la formation VSD car je voulais en apprendre plus sur moi-même et surtout enraciner ces connaissances théoriques dans le réel, comprendre comment les appliquer efficacement au quotidien. J'espérais aussi aller plus profondément dans les connaissances que tous les contenus gratuits auxquels j'ai eu accès.


La formation Vivre son Design concerne vraiment les bases fondamentales du Design Humain. Cette  formation m'a permis de vraiment comprendre les concepts de base et de les mettre en pratique dans la vraie vie. Elle m'a aussi rassurée quant à mon type énergétique car le conditionnement et la peur de "rater ma chance" ou ne jamais être invitée me provoquaient beaucoup de stress. Je me sens plus confiante et apaisée suite à la formation car je sais que ma direction est en moi et que tout va se mettre en place au bon moment.


Je la recommanderais à des amis qui ne connaissent pas le Design Humain et qui veulent le découvrir. C'est vraiment riche et permet d'acquérir une excellente base ou de consolider leurs connaissances. Le plus de la formation par rapport à la lecture du manuel est l'échange avec les autres participantes et la formatrice. La possibilité de poser des questions sur nos schémas corporels est un vrai apport car cela montre et donne des précisions sur la méthode d'interprétation et rajoute beaucoup d'information en plus de ceux contenu dans le manuel.


J’ai particulièrement apprécié les partages d’expérience. Les questions d'exploration favorisent réellement l'introspection ce qui permet de prendre de la distance par rapport à son vécu.


Laure est passionnée, très bienveillante, très engagée et nous apporte des réponses même en dehors des sessions des séances de formation dans le groupe WhatsApp. 


Depuis la fin de la formation, je ressens un apaisement intérieur, je me sens rassurée et je me rends compte jusqu'à quel point me battre pour ma propre nature est contreproductif et facteur de stresse inutile. Je remercie Laure pour son temps, sa disponibilité et sa passion pour le Design Humain. La formation est vraiment solide et complète. Les 2 sessions individuelles sont un vrai plus, j'ai énormément appris durant celles-ci. Excellent !

Prêt.e à commencer le voyage au cœur de votre design ?
Photo Laure Allégrini_2.jpg

218 Chemin du petit bois

 83000 Toulon, France​

Tél : 06 67 11 93 55

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